Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Juggling exams and dialysis

For all teenagers, trying to study properly for exams and being totally prepared for them can be hard work, given how many distractions teenagers have. Especially if you just happen to be on dialysis. Sixteen year old Welsh teenager Sahibaa Ali is in the middle of sitting her GCSE exams but she has a special timetable to fit around the dialysis she has three times a week (she's been on dialysis for two years). It's lucky the exam board can adjust things to help her. Many students with medical problems are unaware that they can get some help for exams. But getting your own special timetable to fit around dialysis treatments is not a common occurrence. Link to news item.

When I broke my back while at university, the Uni generously allowed me more time for each exam, to help with the pain from sitting in one position for several hours, so it is always worth enquiring is help is available.