Tuesday, 5 June 2018

Vitamin K antagonist use and renal function in pre-dialysis patients

A research article, available at Dove Press, discusses whether vitamin K or oral anticoagulants is the best option for patients with only mildly reduced kidney function. Here we quote directly from the article. (Data was collected from 984 patients.)

A post hoc analysis of a recent trial on direct oral anticoagulants versus vitamin K antagonists showed that amongst patients with mildly decreased kidney function, use of vitamin K antagonists was associated with a greater decline in renal function than use of direct oral anticoagulants. Whether these vitamin K antagonist effects are the same in pre-dialysis patients is unknown. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the association between vitamin K antagonist use and the rate of renal function decline and time until start of dialysis in incident pre-dialysis patients.

Conclusion: In incident pre-dialysis patients, the use of vitamin K antagonists was not associated with an accelerated kidney function decline or an earlier start of dialysis compared to non-use. The lack of knowledge on the indication for vitamin K antagonist use could lead to confounding by indication.